Unlock the door to your success with private coaching
Are you keeping your brilliance locked away without even realizing it?
Hi, I’m Lisa Wood, and I’m a business coach and Certified Life Coach through the Martha Beck Institute.
It’s fascinating how closely our business challenges can mirror things that are going on for us personally, don’t you think?
For example, I might be working with a client on developing a business plan, and we end up also working on clearing roadblocks caused by fear and resistance. This type of thing is way more common than you think!
I LOVE helping people with things like this, and I talk a lot about the entrepreneur journey in my work. Some things we work on are:

Setting and enforcing boundaries
Dealing with the Inner Critic
Developing self-care practices
Working intentionally
Mindfulness and managing anxiety
Creating ideal calendars for work/life balance
Developing healthy mindset strategies
These topics are often ignored in typical business circles, but managing them is critical to your success.
How I Can Help You
You are the expert in your own life, and sometimes you want some extra support. If you're willing to dig in and work on something that has been getting in the way of your success, I can help. Here are some of the more common things my clients come to me for help with:
Feeling stuck in your own patterns
Frustrated that you aren't making clear progress on a project
Struggling with clarity
Unsure of your true path
Resistance around selling, receiving, and money
Resistance and guilt around self-care
Anything goes.
(You don’t even have to be able to articulate what that thing is – because it will come out when its ready. It’s pretty amazing.)
Get Results Fast with JumpStart Coaching
Stuck in a rut? Not sure what to do next or where to look? Let's fix that. It’s too easy to spend months (or even years!) analyzing, researching, spinning, and getting nowhere. Jumpstart Coaching is a short-term engagement designed to hoist you up and out of your overwhelm, shake things up, and set you squarely on the path to success.
Longer-Term Private 1-1 Coaching
Looking for a partner that can be there for you as you need it? This option is for you.